Our Offerings > External Data Integration

External Data Integration

External data discovery, quality assessment, contracting & procurement support, data ingestion & integration and use case development

Solution Offerings

Vendor Scouting & Assessment

Scan of external data marketplace
Detailed assessment and recommendations

Procurement & Contracting Support

Negotiation with data providers

Contracting support & facilitation

Data Ingestion & Integration

Creation of data pipeline, data ingestion support and integration between internal and multiple external sources

Use Case/ POC Development

External data adoption roadmap and development of proof of concepts to test efficacy and relevance of external data

Benefits of Engaging Us

Thorough understanding of the external data landscape

Relationships/Partnerships with data providers and aggregators

Comprehensive data quality and vendor assessment framework

Extensive experience in using a variety of structured & unstructured external data sources

Understanding of ethical data collection practices and associated data privacy laws (GDPR, CCPA)