Our Offerings > Prescriptive Analytics Solutions

Prescriptive Analytics Solutions

Actionable recommendations to optimize marketing & offer strategy, workforce planning and supply chain operations

Solution Offerings

Next Best Action Recommendations

ML algorithms to identify customer needs and personalize offerings and integration of NBA recommendations in CRM tools

Campaign & Offer Optimization

Test design using DOE framework, response surface modeling and P&L simulations to identify the optimal offer and campaign strategy

Capacity Planning & Operational Efficiency

Demand forecasting, productivity analysis and competitive benchmarking to improve operational efficiency

Supply Chain Optimization

Data and analytics driven insights on opportunity areas to optimize supply chain operations

Benefits of Engaging Us

We help you uncover the implicit and latent customer needs and decide on the next best action for each customer

We bring in years of experience in designing the effective offer and campaign strategy to maximize return on marketing investment

Our comprehensive capacity planning tools enable you to accurately forecast demand, optimize resource allocation, ensuring that you meet demand while minimizing costs

We help you optimize every step of your supply chain process from planning, procurement, production, warehousing to distribution and logistics